How to build your 5-Year Plan

How you grow your business now will shape your future exit options.

Direct benefits of scaling a business with Business by Design:

  • Increase revenue and profit

  • Reduce risks associated with rapid growth

  • Prepare for a smoother and more profitable exit


Gain clarity

Before embarking on any journey, no matter what it is, we need to know three key elements:

  1.          Where is our starting point?

  2.          Where is our destination?

  3.          What is the best route to take?

We begin by undertaking an assessment to determine these three elements and tailor a growth strategy to suit your needs and goals.

To understand how this process works we would like to invite you to our free Growth and Exit Planning Strategy Session.


Growing a business is risky. We therefore need to protect all the wealth you have built up until this point and ensure the business has the correct foundations to handle growth.

To understand how this process works we would like to invite you to our free Growth and Exit Planning Strategy Session.

Targeted Growth Strategies

Every owner and business is different. We will therefore implement tailored growth strategies that will align with you, your business and your goals or requirements.


Why is strategic growth so important?

The End Game

As the second habit in the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People states: Begin with the End in Mind.

How you grow your business will ultimately dictate how you will exit your business. Therefore, knowing what you ultimately want to achieve will determine what growth strategies we put in place.

Get our book to find out how to begin with your end in mind.

Want to understand how we can help you to prepare for the future?

Book a free 1:1 call with our Founder Cliff.