The Buyers Toolkit

The buyer’s toolkit was designed to reduce the time it takes to assess a potential deal. It will enable you to very quickly analyse each opportunity and to quickly assess if that particular business is worth pursuing or not.

By using this toolkit, you will be able to evaluate:


Deal Quality

I know from experience that looking to acquire a business can take up a lot of time, money and recourses, especially if you have multiple deals all happening at the same time. We have developed a process that allows you to assess whether a deal is worth pursuing or not within minutes.

Quicker Due Diligence

Discover what is really happening within a business and what the potential risks are. This tool will help you to analyse the financial performance of a business from an unbiased viewpoint, highlighting the KPIs that will be relevant to your prospective purchasers. It will prompt questions within the performance of the business that will need clarification. Better to ask and find out now than later on down the road!

Realistic Valuations

The Business Valuation Model converts a process that is typically more akin to a contentious and subjective artform into a precise, mathematical science where all the assumptions can be clearly identified, justified, and agreed.

There are seven potential valuation models that can be used, some or all may be relevant to a greater or lesser degree depending on the buyer’s objectives and constraints, the profile of your client’s business and the preferred deal structure.

  • Typical Use: To establish a logical, explicable business valuation using a combination of up to seven different valuation models to provide a blended valuation for any business based on their recent trading history and projected future performance.

  • An Understandable, Explainable Valuation: There is nothing worse than two professionals with a difference of opinion for undermining client confidence. By using standard valuation techniques and input assumptions that can be discussed, amended, and agreed, the process of valuing a business becomes quick, easy and painless, without diminishing the value of the exercise.


The Smarter Exit
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